Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Whey Isolate or Whey Concentrate?

There's a lot of commotion going on about which form of whey protein is the "best" form. Many people think that Whey Isolate protein is better because of its pricing. The reason Isolate is more expensive than Concentrate is that, well, Isolate is filtered for the removal of lactose within the powder.

The best answer to this question is that it really just comes down to personal preference. If you have the extra cash to buy a tub of Whey Isolate, then shoot for that, but if you're trying to save a couple bucks, Whey Concentrate won't hurt. Afterall, supplements help supplement your health. You're already doing your body a favor by intaking more protein than the average Joe gets from their food - unless they eat a lot of meat.

So, what makes Whey Isolate the overall "better" protein? Well, the main difference between the two is the quality of protein. In Whey Concentrate, the protein content can range from 10-15% with 50% of it being lactose and about 2% fat. Whey Isolate offers a better protein content of 90% and under 1% of lactose fat. In the end, you really do pay for the quality of protein.

Stick to the protein that has worked for you. But, don't be afraid to try new things! If in the end, you prefer Isolate over Concentrate, then stick to it. Now, go and crush those goals!

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