Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How to Grow Calves?

One of the hardest muscles to grow on your body, next to abs, are your calves. The main reason they are so hard to gain mass is that they sustain your body weight daily. So what does that mean?

Your legs are the reason you are able to walk, stand, and everything else you need to balance. That means that your calves are used to your body weight daily. So, in order to gain mass in this muscle group, you have to train heavy. While training heavy, also try to focus on high volume reps as well. The key is to fatigue the muscle. Rip those muscle fibers!

If you already have decently sized calves, then quit lying. Seriously though, another key to big calves are your genetics. There are some people out there that were just given big calves. I will forever be envious. For everyone else looking to get some size, check out these workouts - they will help tremendously!

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