Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spring Break Recuperation

For some, Spring Break is over, but there is a select few that are enjoying their week off of classes with a drink in their hand. That means you may be rocking a hangover. I bet you're wondering why we brought this up, and that's because we want you to feel the best you've ever felt after a full week of downing Vodka Redbulls.

The first step is to figure out if you're dehydrated or not. This is an easy task. If you your head rushes when you stand up, this may be a sign. Regardless of being dehydrated or not, you should probably drink some water just to stay safe. Step one, down three medium-sized glasses of water.

Step number two is to eat something healthy. I know, a juicy Hangover Burger with a sunny side up egg sounds like the best choice, but greasy food will NOT get rid of your headache. What you really need is Gatorade, a warm bowl of Chicken Noodle soup, and some toast. This doesn't sound very filling, but I can guarantee that you will feel like taking over the world after this light meal.

The third and last step is to grab a power nap. Of course, do this after you treat yourself with some soup. If you don't have time to take a nap, don't worry. Your body will slowly take advantage of the newly found electrolytes and put them to work.

These three steps will be sure to turn your hangover around for the better. Spring Break may have lead to some weight gain and bank account losses. We can help you with losing those couple extra pounds, but we will not be able to fix your dough. Stay updated on our Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter for tips on saving money on supplements and shedding off that Freshmen 15.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

YourSupps Trial Partners with NAfME!

If you're not aware, March is National Music in Our Schools Month! We believe that music is one of the best things to teach children at an early age. It's the one thing that will never leave your side. No matter what type of music you listen to, it also has an effect on you as a person.

To keep music alive and well in our schools moving forward, we will be donating 25% of every order on our website to! Not only will this help keep music within our schools, it will also help schools receive newer equipment.

You know how music has that amazing effect on you in and out of the gym? Now imagine the effect it has on a student! When I was in school, band class was the one class I looked forward to going to every day. Without that, students wouldn't have a way to express themselves musically. Let's help keep that alive!

To learn more about how you can donate to keep Music in Our Schools, click here.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


If you're familiar with fitness and weightlifting, you may have heard the word "macros" or macronutrients said a few times. If you're unsure of the exact meaning of what a macronutrient is, let me give you some insight. According to, a macronutrient is "any of the nutritional components of the diet that are required in relatively large amounts: protein, carbohydrate, fat, and macrominerals."

As a fitness enthusiast, I am constantly counting my macros. Macronutrients help make up your daily caloric intake. If you don't meet your macronutrients per day, you may not be getting all of the nutrients that your body needs to function correctly. To figure out what your daily macros should be, use this calculator to help determine a starting point.

You're probably wondering what the best way to count your macros would be. Many people use MyFitnessPal, which is the first app that I used when I started to lose weight. Although I do like the ease of MyFitnessPal and the countless meals in their directory, I do not like that I can't manually set my macros. The app that I use now is My Macros+. I switched to this app because I can now set my macros to the desired amount unlike on MyFitnessPal. Determining which app to use when counting macros come down to which app is easier for you to use. 

If you are looking to lose weight or to make sure you're getting your daily intake of the right nutrients, then learning about your macros and counting them is the way for you. Counting your macros and calorie intake is essential when working towards building a healthy lifestyle. I hope this blog helped give you some insight on what exactly macros are and why someone would count them! As always, if you have any questions about your macros or fitness in general, don't be afraid to leave a comment.